Tag Archives: satan

Trump’s So-Called "Sexgate Scandal"

By | 10 Oct 2016

I would like to clarify my stance on the whole Trump-sex-talk debacle. I have posted several memes on Facebook pointing out the massive hypocrisy of the whole matter and to some, that may have looked like I’m defending Trump and what he said, compromising my Christian witness in the process. Let me make myself perfectly clear: There is… Read More »

Ask & You Shall Receive #13:
The Blood of Jesus

By | 5 Jun 2016

In my opening article in this series, I addressed in passing the essential truth that none of us is worthy to approach God’s throne of grace by own merits, but only by grace through faith in Jesus’ finished work of the cross. In this installment almost 3 years later, I felt the need to explore this topic in greater depth… Read More »

Ask & You Shall Receive #12:
The Beauty of Worship

By | 9 Mar 2014

In a previous article entitled Know Your Weapons, I mentioned how God has used various animals to teach me things on more than one occasion. In this article, we’re gonna dig into another one of them. I ask you to bear with me as I give you a bit of personal information, because it’s important to the point… Read More »

Know Your Weapons

By | 14 Jul 2012

One interesting aspect of my walk with Jesus is I have learned several spiritual lessons via animals. Here’s one of them, based upon the two times I’ve been attacked by large dogs. Dog Attack #1 Back when I was 7 years old, my parents and I took a road trip in a 1960 Chevy Corvair sedan from my… Read More »